Pisasu Review - Pissasified all the way!

http://www.letmewatchmovies.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Pisasu-Film-Poster.jpgMysskin’s storytelling has always left many in awe; one could say he is the master of making sinister movies. His tryst with experimentation has always left the audience wonderstruck and after YudhamSei, it was evident that Mysskin was here to stay. With Pisasu Mysskin has made strides into the horror genre, getting deep inside to explore the supernatural world.
The Ghost:
As the movie kick starts, there were whispers all around; The usual Mysskin’s movie is shot through the darkness, extensive camera angles with just showing the actors' feet, a dreamy BGM and some psychotic murders. How about Pisasu? Well, the director creeps into the mind of a ghost, scares us with bits and pieces and then feeds us with the psychology behind the setting in a convincing way.
Siddharth (Naga) is an upcoming violinist who comes across an accident, where a young girl dies. The incident leaves a scathing mark on him and he craves to find solace in vain. Mysskin’s magical touch with striking the emotions has always been enigmatic, and through the first few moments he touches the protagonist’s struggle with a loss. As we keep waiting to see the “Pisasu”, a few unpredicted events make Siddharth believe that his house is indeed haunted and as every other Horror movie he hires religious ghost busters, witch crafters to drive the evil spirit off his house.
There is a sense of “Where is the story?”, “What does the ghost want? “ A number of questions unanswered through the first half. With that said, in the second half Mysskin switches to his signature thriller mode from horror, and then finishes off in grand style. The lesser you know, the more you are bound to enjoy it.
What’s Good?:
Mysskin’s love for human emotions and to portray the dark and moody side of it has always been a mystery to tell. To write off Pisasu as a supernatural flick would be a long shot, the movie captures the essence of a horror flick and shifts into an emotional drama without giving us the whim of the transition. In one word, remarkable direction! As any other Mysskin movie, the BGM and camera does wonders to the screenplay, adding rich whipping cream on the top of the story. Arrol is off to a dream debut and the opening song just sweeps our feet off. Ravi’s camera work is stunning, capturing the director’s intention intact. A shot from 40 feet off the ground is just enough to prove the cinematographer’s prowess. To call off Naga as a rookie would be far stretched as the actor looks tailor made for the character of Siddharth. Playing the troubled youngster, he displays the moody emotions spot on. Prayaga has little to offer as the film’s heroine, but does her part amicably. Radha Ravi’s role is an extended cameo and leaves us with a heavy heart.
Why, What and how?:
There isn’t much to point fingers at in Pisasus, nevertheless:
1. The movie’s crisp editing wraps it up in 114 minutes nevertheless the first half finishes without much impact.
2. A lot of scenes are ripped off from Hollywood movies, to quote one; the bedroom scene from Paranormal activity.
3. Though the script has room for scary moments there isn’t much spine chilling moments.
In all Pisasu is an emotional spooky supernatural movie from Mysskin that simply doesn’t try to scare you, but surprises your imagination with unpredictable thrills.
Verdict : Mysskin’s tryst with horror paves off
Rating: 3/5


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