Child Care

PodcastSharing the Care: How Partnering with Your Child’s Caregiver Supports Healthy Development -In this podcast, Dr. Jerlean Daniel describes what quality child care looks like and how parents and child care providers can work together to share the care of young children. I Learned in Day Care - Zero to Three Journal essay by a father highlighting what he learned in his daughter’s daycare program.

Twins in Child Care - Should my twins be in the same child care room, or two different rooms?

Tips on Helping Prepare Babies for First Time with Babysitter - Tips on Helping Prepare Babies for First Time with Babysitter

Thinking About Child Care As a Setting for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect - Provides a short test of knowledge about the incidence of abuse and neglect with children under 3.

The Future of Infant-Toddler Child Care - Ron Lally, co-director of the WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, shares his thoughts about future directions in infant-toddler child care in this country.

Starting Child Care - How can I prepare my one-year-old for child care?

Socialization for Toddlers - Do you think child care or pre-school is necessary to help toddlers develop social skills?

Redesigning Child Care - Identifies seven principles that can guide parents, program leaders and policymakers in reshaping child care.

Primary Caregiving and Continuity of Care - Primary Caregiving and Continuity of Care Brief overview of the benefits of primary caregiving and continuity of care for quality for both children and staff.

Preschool Prep: How to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool - Learn what you can do to make this big transition to preschool easier for your child. You’ll find a timeline for all the things that need to be done to prepare for preschool and guidance on saying a “good good-bye” on your child’s first day.

Parenting and Professionalism: The Myth of Having It All - Essay from the Zero to Three Journal recounting one mother’s decision to stay at home with her children.

Matching Your Infant’s or Toddler’s Style to the Right Child Care Setting - Helps parents assess aspects of their young child’s temperament and provides recommendations for child care settings; also offers a healthy and safety checklist for child care settings.

Love the Lovey? - Does my one-year-old need a special stuffed animal or blanket to help with the transition to child care?

Finding Child Care - How do I start looking for child care?

Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care (kith and kin) - Describes the context for this frequently used child-care arrangement for children under three.

Early Language and Literacy Development - Guide to the importance of early care and educational settings that promote early literacy.

Choosing Quality Child Care - Provides general guidelines on selecting an enriching and nurturing child care setting.

Changing Practices In Early Childhood Programs - Describes specific strategies to help organizations, particularly infant-toddler programs, use professional development to institute sustained change.

Caring for Infants and Toddlers in Groups - Zero to Three Journal article outlining the six key components of group caregiving settings for very young children.


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